Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Man..... I am so ready for summer. We always think the kids are the ones who are most ready... but I don't know..... I think I am as ready this year as when I was teaching. I have been so blessed to home with Little Miss this year, but I think I'm ready for it to be just the three of us again. (Clint, Remi & me) Is that bad? :0 Elizabeth talked about the packers coming in two weeks... that might be nice. I mean someone to come pack for you. Coaching families don't have that. We have to pack it all up, move it all, unpack it and get settled all on our own. Not that we have ever had to really do it alone, my family is REALLY good about helping whenever we need it. They are a gem. I know a lot of people are not as lucky. Hey, some people don't have things to move right? We are definately blessed in inmeasureable ways. God is good and Sweetwater will be good. Sounds kind of like a pep talk, huh? Yeah..... :)


  1. The military offers packers but don't think they do it all!! We move over half because they break or "miss place" things! Also we still have a house for sale!! Any buyers! Have fun packing and bannana boxes from Wal Mart are the best to use!

  2. The best part of packing for me is that we (the girls) get to stay inside where it's cool while they (the boys) have to haul everything to the trailers.
