Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Western Heritage 2010

These were her Daddy's chaps when he was little. Of course when he wore them them they didn't have pink tule on them! I had to girl them up a little!
At Western Heritage they have all kninds of evnts for the little ones on Saturday. This is the part of the Rodeo where they all had to take off one boot and put it out in the middle of the arena. Then they had to go find it and get it back on and across the finish line first.

Remi waiting in the shute for her turn on the Bunking Bronc portion of the rodeo.

The Grand Entry before the rodeo started.

Clint giving her some last minute advice.

"Dance the Night Away"

Granny came to witness the grace of the program.
Remi's first ballet teacher. Ms. Mary Elizabeth.
Kayla came to see the little princess dance, too.

Going back out for the curtain call at the end.
The Little Princesses was her group this year for her ballet recital. Great dress. Hopefully we can wear it again for Halloween.
I kind of like this one even though it's blurry.
Working on getting that pose right and smiling at the same time.
Sweet friend Gentry at dress rehearsal.
DD, Mayra and Adie came to watch the rehearsal.

First Sleepover

Remington has been wanting to have a friend come over and stay the night for quite some time. SO before Summer started we finally did. Her name is Laramy. She is in Remi's class at school and she lives out of town. So it will be hard to see her again very often. On the day before she came over Remi says: Momma, can we sleep out on my trampolene?
Me: Sure if you want to.
Remi: Good, because I have big plans.
Me: Like what?
Remi: Like counting the stars and naming the planets and telling jokes.
Also on the list of to dos: Play the Wii. Check.
Do Kareoke. Check.

Read books together. Check.
Have a wienie roast. Check.
They had a great time. Just another milestone Remi has reached in the last few months alone. Her first sleepover.

Sweetwater Christian School Graduation

Remi made lots of sweet friends at SCS this year. This is Easton.
Her wonderful teacher, Mrs. Clecker.
We are so proud of all she has learned! She is SOOOO ready for Kindergarten..... Me? Not so much. :{Sweet Laramy, who stayed the night a couple weeks ago.
The program was really cute. Lots of little voices singing praise to God. Thank you SCS for this wonderful year. Thank you Lord for putting Remi here. Thank you for all the friends she made. God Bless Mrs. Cleckler, who has taught for over 30 years, and still loves kids. Thank you for the wonderful, strong start to Remi's education.

Our TOT Superstar

They all got trophy since this was the last event.
Braden, Remi, Mrs. "TOT" otherwise known as Mrs. Crystal, Jaden, Ryan, Easton, Shelby and Kendall. These were all the kids who were in the program from Sweetwater Christian School.
Showing off all the skills they have worked on this year. Bounce and roll, side to side, around the waist, dribble and catch, and lots of others.
Screaming 1,2,3 TOT kids!
Love that Superstar girl!!

Remi's Very FIRST TOOTH!

Remington has lost her very first tooth! This was the first one she grew. One of only two she had to help her eat her very first birthday cake! It had been loose for a few weeks and we even took her to see Dr. Toogood last week because the other one was coming in right behind it! He said to keep wiggling, and so her DD helped it right on out on Sunday! Whohoo!! Notice what the tooth fairy brought her..... business must be booming up there! I don't recall my teeth bringing quite as much. :)