Monday, April 6, 2009

News for the Mustangs

I guess I will need to change my profile that says Abilene is our home and we love it to: Abilene HAS BEEN our home and we loved it! As of June we will be residing in Sweetwater, Texas. That's right, we will be Mustangs baby! The head coach at Clyde was asked to go to SW and he asked Clint to go with him. Our house is already sold, WOW! What a blessing.. And we don't have to be out until June 8th, so that is good also. Now all we have to do is find somewhere to live in SW. We only have one prospect right now, but maybe, surely, something will come up in the next two months. I will miss Abilene, our church, the choir, Abuelo's!!, Target and my sweet, sweet Hobby Lobby among so much more. That doesn't even take into consideration all of you that I will miss as well. It's only 40 minutes, I'm sure I will be back OFTEN. And don't any of you subs gets any ideas about moving into my Bunco spot! hehe... No really... I'm NOT QUITTING BUNCO! More details to come later.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sweet ol' Sam

Clint has a horse named Sam that Remi has pretty much adopted as her own. She rides him whenever she wants and he loves her. He is 23 or 4 or 5 and so he isn't a work horse anymore, he is just a member of the family. THIS is a horse my Grannie gave Remington a couple of years ago and she of course named him Sam. Well, Sam got to go for a makeover the other day. He didn't seem to mind much and the beautician did a great job accessorizing him, I think. Is that purse on the ear going to be secure for running? We'll see.......

Tea Party for Daddy

Little Miss wanted to have a tea party for Daddy the other day. So she made him an invitation. Then we got her room ready for the party. We moved the canopy from her bed to the middle of the room so they could eat under it. We used only her best china dishes and had real "tea" in her teapot. They both dressed in their finest clothes..... Clint did so after working all day and then going to mow after work and then coming home to a little girl with big brown eyes asking him to come to her tea party. Of course he said yes!He would do pretty much anything for her and I love that about him.
Remi and Daddy enjoying the "tea" (water) and cupcakes\cookies. He even brought her some flowers and a surprise Reeces egg for tea. I sure hope she will always think he is so great. I'm sure one day, all too soon, she will be tempted to listen to the world and all the lies that it sometimes tells. But I pray that she will keep her eyes fixed on the Savior and the truths that He always tells. She thanked God for giving us Jesus and letting Him die on the cross for us at dinner the other night.....How sweet is that? She looked at me and said, "Mommy are you crying?" I of course was. Wouldn't you?